Educational Leader
Evan Robb has over twenty years of experience serving as a building-level principal. Prior to being a school principal, he was an English teacher, department chair, and Assistant Principal. Evan is a recipient of the Horace Mann Educator of the Year Award. In addition, the NCTE Commission on Reading selected him to serve on its national board.
A TEDx Speaker, Evan offers inspirational keynotes, workshops, webinars, and ongoing professional learning opportunities on leadership, mindset, culture, impactful change, and how to improve literacy in schools. Evan has shared his ideas with thousands of educators at dozens of workshops across the United States and in other countries.
His first book titled, The Principal’s Leadership Sourcebook: Practices, Tools, and Strategies for Building a Thriving School Community was published by Scholastic in the fall of 2007. His next book, The Ten-Minute Principal, was published by Corwin in May 2019. Evan and Laura Robb collaborated with Dave Burgess Publishing to write, Team Makers, which was published in August of 2019. In addition, Evan partnered with Laura Robb to write, A School Full of Readers, with Benchmark Education, which was published in January 2020. Evan’s newest book with Corwin, Aiming High: Leadership Actions to Increase Learning Gains, will be published in January 2022.
Please explore The Robb Review Blog, ScholasticEDU, and Corwin Connect for more of his thoughts on teaching, learning, and leadership. The Robb Review Blog focuses on looking ahead, not looking back. Evan also has a podcast, The Robb Review Podcast. Evan has been named one of the top 25 educational leaders to follow on Twitter. Scholastic EDU named Evan one of the 10 educators to follow on Twitter. Evan has also been named one of the 10 most inspiring global thought leaders for 2020.
Premiere Speakers Bureau
“As you can imagine, my work, life, and schedule are non-stop! I partner with Premiere Speakers to help me focus on my school and students. Premiere will take care of you, and I look forward to speaking at your event!”
Evan’s Amazon Author Page
Evan’s Website: Robb Communications
Professional Work of Evan Robb
Purchase The Ten-Minute Principal
Evan’s Blog: The Robb Review